“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowline. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sales. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Mark Twain

My Story:
Let’s look forward. I agree that it’s always great to know a bit about somebody’s history……however it IS in the past, so for me the future is far more important! I have always enjoyed learning, experimenting and knowing more about people and how they operate. What drives them, scares them, motivates them. I used to be petrified of speaking in front of people, and now I teach and coach others. I enjoy empowering people…..with skills previously unlearned…. Read more
Skyborne Motivation Johannesburg
- Presentation Skills Training
- Public Speaking Coaching
- Training Skills Coaching
- Business and Personal Life Coaching
We offer 6 courses listed below:
- Speakers Training Camp ® – Public Workshop
- Body Language Course – Know your audience
- Emotional Intelligence – What are they really saying?
- Public Speaking Presentation Skills – One on One and Group
- Fire Walking Course – Smashing through fear
- Video Presentation Skills – Connect with the camera
Click here to view our courses page
It’s not the most talented who wins, it’s the most relentless who does.
Do what you fear most and you control fear.
Saying you’ll ‘try’ instead of ‘do’ admits failure
Fear is never a reason for quitting; it is only an excuse.
Take the next step!
NOW ….. TAKE THIS STEP and contact Skyborne Motivation Johannesburg to move yourself forward to the self-assured and confident person you WANT to be – brimming with self-esteem – by contacting me. In just under 7 hours, I assure you, you WILL stand up and speak!