I was enjoying a conversation with some participants on one of my courses. We were discussing how NOT being able to stand up and speak in front of a group of people can HOLD you BACK from whatever you want to achieve. Rather than have speaking as an asset that can benefit you, from increasing your confidence levels to being sure that should the opportunity arise(and it WILL) you would be able to step up to the plate, take the bull by the horns, and offer to speak or give a presentation. This skill can help to elevate you if you simply step through the fear and just learn how to do it properly!

Fear only goes away when you ACT, not the other way around. No fear is simply going to vanish……………. You need to BANISH it by acting on it…………………..Feel the fear………………..do it anyway…………THAT’S the way to get rid of it. This works for any situation in life.

Anything that you may fear………………….FACE it………………..and if you have not guessed already, I am psyching myself up to do just that………………to face a situation that I need to resolve………………………..and that fear is………………….rejection! Yup, something that we are mostly all familiar with in a variety of ways………………….rejection! Anyhow, I remember reading a book by Dale Carnegie years ago where he mentioned that 95% of what we worry about never happens anyway, so…………………………..what are the chances??????

As usual, I digress, let’s get back to fearing standing up and speaking………………………………people are overcoming this fear everyday………………………why not YOU?

Drop me a line at pat@skybornemotivation.com, and let’s talk! Keep warm!!